Advisory ID# 55
as of 01/02/2025
Handling of Unsuccessful Payment Transactions
Please be informed that online payment transactions through the EPRS will not proceed if the employer is not registered/enrolled in the online banking system they have selected. A dialog box with remarks such as "Invalid/Missing PEN" will prompt. This error will not result in a disabled payment option in the EPRS. On the other hand, the payment option will not be disabled for unsuccessful transactions through MYEG. The prompt "Errors encountered while sending SPA to MYEG" is due to invalid email address used or connectivity issues. To address this, please check the email address used for the EPRS account or your connection. For disabled payment option/s with the prompt "SPA already sent for payment" employers shall directly coordinate the cancellation of the SPA to the bank they have selected. Please take note that PhilHealth has no control over employers' transactions with their selected banks. For the identified technical issues, below are the e-mail addresses of the ACAs for your reference: BANCNET / EGOV - SECURITY BANK - BPI (BizLink) - UNION BANK (OneHub) - LANDBANK - Communication through email is not accepted. Employers must go to the LBP branches to request cancellation. In instances where employer/s were unable to determine which bank they have selected, please send the screenshot of the payment posting indicating the PEN and SPA number for verification of the respective Account Officer.