Advisory ID# 18
as of 12/01/2018
Temporary Suspension of SPA Generation in the Grouping Module
Pursuant to Section 6e, 6f, 15d and 15e of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of the National Health Insurance Act of 2013, PhilHealth was mandated to establish an efficient premium collection mechanism and maintain an updated membership and contributions database. Employers, on the other hand, are obliged to keep true and accurate work records for such period and containing such information as the Corporation may prescribe Further, Section 18 on the payment of premium contribution states that the monthly premium contribution of employed members shall be remitted by the employer on or before the date prescribed by the Corporation. In September 2016, the Grouping Module in the EPRS was deployed for use of employers in the business of providing the work force for principals such as shipping, manpower and security agencies to name a few. However, based on accounts monitoring reports, a number of employers have abused the said module. To avoid the further misuse of the Grouping Module and ensure the accuracy of reports generated thru the EPRS, the SPA generation for employers using the grouping module will be temporarily suspended effective the applicable month of March 2019 onwards, pending employers’ submission of the documentary requirements such as a letter-request for re-activation and a copy of the contract per principal or fund source to justify the creation of the group folder. For any clarifications, please contact your respective PhilHealth Accounts Management Specialist (PAIMS). Thank you.